Acerca de Nosotros

Nuestra misión es ayudar, servir y defender a la comunidad latina después de un accidente.

Lo Que Creemos

Nuestros Abogados

Podemos decir con orgullo que Accidentado es la red de abogados en la que más confían los latinos. Tenemos mucho abogados afiliados a nuestra red. Nuestros abogados se ubican en Texas y se enfocan en casos de accidentes de auto, accidentes de trabajo, y casos resbalones y caídas.

Nos enfocamos en resultados

Sabemos que lo primordial es que tus derechos sean protegidos.  Lo  primero que hacemos es un plan legal que proteja esos derechos.  El abogado y tu hacen el plan personalizado a tu lesion y necesidades.  Todo en tu idioma. 

Contacta a Accidentado

Este es el primer para saber si tienes un caso.

Contesta Preguntas

Te preguntaremos sobre tu accidente en tu idioma y te pondremos en contacto con un abogado con experiencia.

Consulta Sin Compromiso

Un abogado revisará los detalles de tu situación y te brindará valiosos consejos legales.

Contrata a Tu Abogado

El abogado no cobra hasta que tu caso esté resuelto. Sus honorarios se descontarán de tu compensación.

Si no ganas su caso de accidente, no pagas

Los abogados de Accidentado no pedimos ni esperamos dinero por adelantado.Sólo si ganas el caso, los honorarios del abogado son descontados de tu compensación.

Nuestro Equipo

Nuestro equipo saben lo estresante y devastador que puede ser un accidente. Por eso, cuando llames a Accidentado, puedes estar seguro de que hablarás con alguien que te escuchará y entenderá todo lo que te sucedió.

Fabiola Segovia

Fabiola Segovia

Managing Partner

Fabiola Segovia is the younger of two siblings born to immigrant parents from Mexico. At UNT Dallas College of Law, she was a founding board member of the Law Review’s multimedia journal Accessible Law and wrote articles for the Spanish-speaking community. Segovia is a guest lecturer at UNT Dallas College of Law, where she presents real-life exercises to 1L students by walking them through the work they will do as young associates.

Segovia began her undergraduate degree as a Biochemistry major at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. As she worked for law firms to pay her way through college, her desire to help others led to a career change to the legal field.

Segovia is a member of the 2014 inaugural class of UNT Dallas College of Law in Downtown Dallas. During her 1L year, Segovia volunteered at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center and served as a judicial intern for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. In her second year, Segovia interned in the 68th Judicial District Court in Dallas County during her fall semester and at Probate Court No.1 in Dallas County during the spring semester. She was also a Teaching Fellow for the Legal Writing Department at UNT Dallas College of Law. During her 3L year, she worked with U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attorneys. Segovia, a native Spanish speaker, is a founding board member of UNT Dallas Law Review’s multimedia journal Accessible Law where she produced articles for the Spanish-speaking community.

Although Segovia was actively involved in numerous extra-curricular activities during law school, she mentions that her two greatest accomplishments during law school were attending every single one of her older son’s baseball games and successfully potty training a toddler during her 1L year.

Segovia is a seasoned attorney and the first attorney from UNT Dallas College of Law inducted into the Mac Taylor Inn of Court. Segovia practices civil litigation in wrongful death and personal injury cases. Fabiola is devoted to representing people in high-stakes, complex litigation, on a contingent fee basis.